WWF-India’s Annual Vulture Count 2023

Bio-diversity,Environment Education
Calling all nature enthusiasts, citizen birders, ornithologists, photographers, and field guides! Be a vital part of WWF India's citizen science initiative as we embark on our third Vulture Count across India, commencing on International Vulture Awareness Day. Equip yourself with binoculars, cameras, and your passion for conservation as we document vulture presence in various locations. Your observations will contribute to our understanding of vulture populations, their distribution, and behaviours, helping to safeguard these endangered species. Join us in being the extra eyes needed for the long-term monitoring of India's vultures. Your commitment makes a real difference!
Pan-India (All States and UTs in India)
Pan-India (All States and UTs in India)
Online Mode, 01 September 2023, 02 September 2023
To observe, record and share vulture presence, their numbers and species via submitting e-Bird checklists.
6 hrs
0 mins
Identification of 9 species of vultures found in India.
Binoculars, Bird Guide, Camera
Orientation is mandatory to attend. The details will be emailed to the registered volunteers.

Last Date to Register: 31-Aug-2023