Youth for SDGs_Delhi

Environment Education
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a blueprint for a better and more sustainable future for all, and your involvement can make a significant impact. Calling out volunteers to introduce SDGs to the young children in schools and contribute in shaping young minds and fostering a commitment to the SDGs. Become a volunteer and celebrate the spirit of volunteerism this International Volunteers Day by educating the children as IVD is not just a day to remember; it's a day to act. Together, we can make a significant impact and inspire positive change in our communities.
Delhi NCR
Schools in Delhi NCR
23 November 2023 at WWF-India, Secretariat Office
Introduce SDGs to the young children in schools through fun-learning activities and interactive session
6 hrs
0 mins
Communication Skills, Learning Spirit, Enthusiasm
Formal Dress Code
Training will be provided. Volunteers will be provided with school appointment and Volunteer ID Card. Registered volunteers wi

Last Date to Register: 19-Nov-2023